Ph: 021-5344201 & 02

Monday & Thursday

09:00 am to 01:00 pm

Hair Serum

Tired of hair loss? Facing difficulty in hair growth or regrowth? These problems can happen due to many reasons like age, genetics, prolonged illness or certain medications but don’t worry whatever be the reason for your hair fall, homoeopathy has a solution to all kinds of hair issues.


Here at HnH, we present you with our Hair serum which is an overall solution to your hair problems. Its formula is chemical-free and is made up of 100 per cent natural ingredients which include arnica, jojoba oil, rose water, aloe q, jaborandi oil and other homoeopathic medicine which prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth, control sebum production and nourishes your hair.




Antioxidant and anti-bacterial

Controls sebum production

Promote collagen synthesis

Speed up wound healing in the scalp

Boost up the life of your hair

Prevent premature greying of hair.

Makes your hair smooth and shiny

Promotes hair regrowth

Treat dandruff and hair fall